Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Destructive Science Essays - Research, Science, Technology

Destructive Science Essays - Research, Science, Technology Destructive Science Although science can advance and improve society, science can also destroy the people it was intended to serve. Scientists have long held the belief that sacrifice of a few is justified by the beneficial potential for the masses and therefore have traditionally used animals and even at times humans as the subject of experiments. Society itself has also predominantly accepted the scientist's view, and welcome new experiments, hoping for new scientific advances that will help society. With new technology, power comes easily to those who learn to harness it, and scientific research has expanded the power of the common person to levels where one man can literally destroy the world. Although science is researched by people to answer questions of "what if," and also to benefit society, the experiments which enhance scientific knowledge is destructive to the one being experimented upon. In amassing the massive amount of scientific knowledge, an even greater number of animals have been destroyed. Such destruction is now at times thought of as essential to an experiment. Science has learned that subjects must be sacrificed for advancement of knowledge. Thus the 20th century version of religious animal sacrifice is performed everyday in laboratories, with the scientists hoping that the use of animals themselves will bring scientific enlightenment. To add to the problem, science not only destroys in the process of new knowledge, but also creates the potential for global destruction. With scientific "achievements" such as the nuclear bomb, society has been wary about thermo-global nuclear destruction that could easily be triggered by one lunatic who has access to nuclear weapons. Although science can and is mostly beneficial to society, the advancement of knowledge can empower evil as well as good. Rappuccini, empowered with scientific knowledge, carried on evil and destructive experiments. Modern scientists also carry on destructive experiments to merely "see if it can be done," and believe that nothing is sacred in the path of new scientific knowledge. In essence, science has become the determinant of their morals, and thus a new type of religion is created for those who view science for more than it is: the search for truth, not an excuse to perform the scientist's fancy.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Italian Preterite Perfect Tense - Trapassato Remoto

Italian Preterite Perfect Tense - Trapassato Remoto You’ve learned about the passato remoto tense, which is the one you use in literature or to talk about events that happened in history. But you have also learned the trapassato remoto tense? As you’ll see below, it’s a tense for students who are more advanced in their studies. It’s used primarily in literary contexts and is known in English as the preterite perfect. It’s a compound tense formed with the passato remoto of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle of the acting verb. For example, a sentence like the one below, in a literary context, would require the trapassato remoto. As soon as Julia had gone down the stairs, she left the building. - Dopo che Giulia ebbe sceso le scale, uscà ¬ dal palazzo. â€Å"Ebbe sceso† comes from the conjugated verb â€Å"essere - to be† and â€Å"sceso† is the past participle of the verb â€Å"scendere - to go down.† The action indicated by the verb scendere (to descend- conjugated in the past perfect) occurs prior to the action indicated by the verb uscire (to exit, to leave- conjugated in the passato remoto). The past perfect is a verb form that is used to refer to events, experiences, or facts that happened or were already completed before a point of reference in the past. In each sentence set in the trapassato remoto, you will encounter an expression of time, such as the following: appena (barely), dopo che (as soon as), or finchà © non (up until). For example: Partirono, quando ebbero ricevuto la notizia. - They were leaving when they received the notice.Renata entrà ², appena Giorgio fu uscito. - Renata entered just after Giorgio had left.Andà ² a casa, quando ebbe finito di lavorare. - He went home when he had finished working.Dopo che ebbe letto quel libro, lei ne comprà ² uno nuovo. - After she had read that book, she bought a new one.Non appena ebbi iniziato a guidare, ebbi bisogno di usare il bagno. - As soon as I started driving, I had to use the bathroom. Most verbs of the second conjugation are irregular in the passato remoto tense. To see how avere and essere are conjugated in the remote past tense, see the table below. TRAPASSATO REMOTO OF THE VERB AVERE Person Singular Plural I (io) ebbi (noi) avemmo II (tu) avesti (voi) aveste III (lui, lei, Lei) ebbe (loro, Loro) ebbero TRAPASSATO REMOTO OF THE VERB ESSERE Person Singular Plural I (io) fui (noi) fummo II (tu) fosti (voi) foste III (lui, lei, Lei) fu (loro, Loro) furono Note that if the verb requires â€Å"essere,† then you must change the ending of the past participle to agree with the subject in gender and number. For example: Dopo che le ragazze furono salite sull’autobus, si sedettero. - After the girls got on the bus, they sat down. The past participle â€Å"salire† ends in an -e because the subject is a group of girls. Click here to read more about gender and number agreement.